What is ADHD

adhd in childrenFinding out your child has been suggested to have Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is alarming and as a parent you naturally panic. If deep down you have always thought your child was a live wire or very focussed on specific things and maybe even deaf then you probably welcome so kind of answer.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the behavioural symptoms that include inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness of a person male or female. This is different to Attention deficit disorder (ADD) which is a sub-type of ADHD with similar symptoms.

The Common symptoms that a person with ADHD has will include:

•a short attention span
•restlessness or constant fidgeting
•being easily distracted

No matter what the intellectual ability of a person they can have ADHD but it is common for learning difficulties to associated and often this can be due to many things which include structure in schooling at an early age.

Another thing that people suffering with ADHD have is problems sleeping and this can be noticed at an early age.

Remember that all young children are naturally active and will be very easily distracted so often the scales used to identify ADHD can be slightly wrong. But if the features detected on the scales are  excessive and general developmental is being affected in both schooling and daily life then this may indicate ADHD and as a parent you need to understand everything you can to help your child.